Sensors Analytics is committed to helping customers build a complete data platform. In addition to downloading the detailed results of the query on the product's analysis interface, we also provide various complete solutions to help customers export and obtain data from the platform:

  1. Get data through the Query API. This method can be used for the calculation results of the platform, and can also obtain the most granular user behavior and attribute data by writing SQL. It is suitable for one-time or periodic batch data acquisition requirements and can be used in all versions of Sensors Analytics. Please note that due to efficiency reasons, this method is not recommended for exporting large amounts of raw data. If you need to export a large amount of data, you can use JDBC method. However, JDBC is only suitable for private deployment editions, and the cloud edition needs to use API to export in batches.
  2. Directly Subscribe to Kafka real-time data. This method is used to obtain the most granular user behavior and attribute data in real-time, suitable for scenarios where real-time calculation and data acquisition are required. It can be used in the private deployment standalone version and cluster version of Sensors Analytics.
  3. Directly Using JDBC for data access. It is suitable for applications that use JDBC protocol to connect with other systems. Compared with the HTTP query API, this method has better performance and can be used for exporting larger amounts of data.