Sensors Data uni-app SDK includes two parts: uni-app-js plugin and uni-app-native (Android & iOS) plugin.

  • If Android/iOS is not included in the package, you can only import the uni-app-js plugin.
  • If Android/iOS is included in the package, you need to import both the uni-app-js plugin and the uni-app-native (Android & iOS) plugin.

The uni-app-js plugin encapsulates the common API of Sensors Data for Web, Mini Programs, Android, and iOS SDKs. The uni-app-native plugin encapsulates the common API of Sensors Data for Android and iOS SDKs.

1. Table of Contents

2. SDK Feature List

Primary FeaturesSecondary FeaturesSpecific Features / Descriptions
Identify UsersAutomatically identify anonymous usersAutomatically identify anonymous users using device ID
Support replacing with custom anonymous ID
Identify logged-in usersIdentify logged-in users using login ID
Set User Properties
Collecting DataAutomatically Collect Device InformationAutomatically collect default device information, such as screen size, system version, etc.
Support automatic collection of screen orientation
Support automatic collection of latitude and longitude information
Full trackingRefer to "uni-app SDK support status"
Custom trackingCollect activation (installation) events

Track event duration

  • Native application
Custom code tracking
Store data

Set the upper limit of local cache

  • Native application
Delete all events cached locally
Report dataAutomatically report data

The SDK automatically sends event data after meeting certain conditions

  • Native application
Manual Data ReportingSDK supports manual event data reporting
Debugging FunctionDebug ModeEnable/Disable Debug Mode
Debug LogsShow/Hide Debug Logs
Advanced FunctionDeepLinkCreate DeepLink for App promotion
Data EncryptionStore and send data after encryption
Integration of App and H5Event data from H5 is stored and sent by the App SDK after integration
ComplianceSupport compliance requirements

3. uni-app SDK support

Platform/Mini ProgramSupport statusData Collection

  • $AppStart
  • $AppEnd

  • $pageview Event
  • $WebStay Event
WeChat Mini Program

  • $MPLaunch Event

  • $MPShow Event
  • $MPHide Event
  • $MPViewScreen Event
  • $MPShare Event
  • $MPClick Event
  • $MPAddFavorites Event
  • $MPPageLeave Event
Baidu Mini Program

  • $MPLaunch Event

  • $MPShow Event
  • $MPHide Event
  • $MPViewScreen Event
  • $MPClick Event
AliPay Mini Program

  • $MPLaunch Event

  • $MPShow Event
  • $MPHide Event
  • $MPViewScreen Event
  • $MPClick Event
TikTok Mini Program

  • $MPLaunch Event

  • $MPShow Event
  • $MPHide Event
  • $MPViewScreen Event
  • $MPClick Event

4. Predefined Events and Properties in App SDK

Refer to the documentation on Predefined Events and Properties in App SDK