1. Documentation Catalog

2. Unity SDK Function List

First-tier FunctionSecond-tier FunctionSpecific Function / DescriptionRemark
User IdentificationAutomatically identify anonymous usersAutomatically identify anonymous users using Device ID
Support replacing with custom anonymous ID
Identify logged-in usersIdentify logged-in users using Login ID
Set user attributes

Data CollectionAutomatically Collect Device InformationAutomatically collect default device information, such as screen size, system version, etc.
Automatically collect device time zone
Full TrackingApp Launch
App Exit
Common PropertiesRegister Common Properties
Get Common Properties
Clear Common Properties
Custom TrackingCollect Activation (Installation) Events
Event duration statistics, support timer pause, resume, and cross-timer
Custom code tracking
Data storageSet the upper limitSet the upper limit for local cache
Delete local cacheDelete all events cached locally
Data reportingAutomatically report dataThe SDK automatically sends event data after meeting certain conditions
Manually report dataThe SDK supports manually reporting event data
Debugging featuresDebug ModeEnable / Disable Debug ModeScan QR code to enable debug mode, only supports Android & iOS
Debug LogShow / Hide Debug Log
Advanced FeaturesComplianceSupport compliance requirements, delay SDK initialization
SDK Collection ControlOnline control to enable or disable SDK, or disable collection of certain eventsOnly supports Android & iOS, and does not support attribute collection control

3. Unity SDK Platform Support


Version Compatibility

  • Unity Editor 5.5.5 and above
  • Xcode 12.1 and above (iOS)

4. Unity SDK Preset Events and Properties

See the documentation: Game SDK Preset Events and Properties