1. Overview

By running the statistics command, you can view the data imported to the wizard system within the last 7 days, view the examples of incorrect data blocked by the verification rule, and modify the tracking point based on the error description.

The tracking data query module provides two query modes for you to choose from. You can click in the upper right corner of the current page to switch between the simple/advanced mode :

  • Simple mode: In simple mode, the detailed data classification under each event cannot be displayed, but the data query has almost no delay, which is suitable for the scenario where only statistics are seen.
  • Advanced mode: In advanced mode, more complex filtering conditions can be used, and the detailed classification of each event can be displayed. However, this mode is slow for customers with a large amount of data, and is suitable for detailed query.

See the detailed logic of embedded data check Data check logic.

2. Advanced mode query

  • Conditional filtering: You can filter by import time, source, version, status progress, table type, and owning table. By default, the interval between selections is the latest 7 days, and the data of the latest 3 days is displayed by default.
  • Event data details: You can view the data list, data import progress, and management tracking status under the current conditions. Under each event, you can view each event according to the buried point type.

  • Close/open tracking: Each close/open operation will take effect after 1 minute. The tracking spot will no longer/continue to receive data after 1 minute.

3. Simple mode query

In simple mode, you can search and filter by time interval, table type, owning table, and event name.The default time range is the last 7 days. By default, you can view the data of the last 3 days.

4. View error details

In any mode, click the View Error Details button or the summary values in the data list to access the Error Details page.

On the details page, you can view the details of the error data and the classification of the error. By error classification, you can view the number of errors, description of errors, and sampling of error data.

  • Error category: You can view all error types in the current event data
  • View: Click View to view the error data in full screen format.

Note: In the error details, a maximum of 3 error data is collected per minute by default, and only 5 error data is displayed by default.

5. Permission

If you have the permission to query tracking data, you can access the tracking data query page and use related functions.