Advanced Functionality

This feature is an advanced feature and requires additional payment to enable. If you want to enable it, please consult your business/customer manager.

1. Background

For internet products, the number of new users added every day is a very important metric. At the same time, around this metric of new users, there can be more in-depth analysis, such as:

  • Analyze the number of new users brought by different channels in order to optimize subsequent delivery strategies;
  • Analyze the retention and conversion of new users brought by different channels to examine the quality of users from different channels;
  • Analyze the sales or revenue of each day and the contribution ratio brought by different channels.

Next, we will introduce in detail how to use Sensors Analytics to track the channels of new users in iOS and Android.

2. Channel Tracking

2.1. Promote App

Starting from the Sensors Analytics 1.5 version, we officially released the App channel tracking feature to help customers understand the quality of channels and the actual promotion situation of the App. For Android and iOS versions, it supports fuzzy matching based on IP, Date, and User-Agent. In addition, for Android channel tracking, we also allow developers to set channel information in the App.

For more detailed documentation, please refer to  Promote App

2.2. Promote Webpage

For more detailed documentation, please refer to  Promote Webpage

2.3. Promote WeChat Mini Program

For more detailed documentation, please refer to  Promote WeChat Mini Program

2.4. Example Application Scenarios

2.4.1. Track the channel source of visiting a webpage (this webpage must integrate Sensors Analytics JS SDK and enable full tracking).

To track the source of access to a web page, for exampleIf your official website link is placed on Baidu, Toutiao and other channels, you need to track which channel the users who visit the page come from.You can use Sensors Web universal channel tracking.

Generate corresponding channel links through [channel management] - [Web general channel] for delivery, and then distinguish different channel sources through channel attributes such as advertising series sources.

2.4.2. Track the source of the channel that opened a wechat mini program

If you need to track the source of the channel that opened a wechat mini program, for example, will correspond tosmall program code or two-dimensional code is put into Baidu, headlines and other channels, and it is necessary to track which channel the user who opens the small program comes from.You can use Sensors Wechat small program promotion.

Generate corresponding channel links through [channel management] - [wechat mini program General channel] for delivery, and then distinguish different channel sources through channel attributes such as advertising series sources.

2.4.3. Track users who download an App through a web page or link, etc

If you need to track users who download an App through a web page or link, for exampleThere is a download link/QR code for your App on your official website or other webpage, and you need to track the users who download and activate the App through this webpage.You can use Sensors App Universal channel.

Generate channel links through [channel management] - [App General channel] and put them to the correspondingOfficial website or other web pages, Among them, [application address] can fill in the download address of the App or the landing page address of the downloadable App, and then distinguish different channel sources through channel attributes such as advertising series sources.

2.4.4. When placing the download address of the App in a web page, it is necessary to track the channel source of accessing the web page and downloading the App at the same time (the web page must integrate the JS SDK of Sensors and open the full buried point).

For example, there is a download link/QR code for your App in your official website, and at the same time, the link of your official website is put into Baidu, Toutiao and other channels, need to track the source of the channel of the user who visits the page and downloads the App, you can use Sensors App Universal channel.

Generate corresponding channel links through [channel management] - [App General channel] for launch, where the address of the official website is filled in [Application address], and can be distinguished by channel attributes such as the source of advertising series. The channel source of the user who visits the page and downloads the App.

3. New users and channel effect analysis

Here, we do some simple introduction to some common new users and channel effect analysis.Added user indicator configuration

3.1. Collect statistics on the number of new users per day on different channels

You can collect statistics on the number of newly added users in different channels every day. You can directly collect statistics on the number of users triggered by the first access in the event analysis.

App end:

Web End:

3.2. View the conversion of new users from different channels

To view the conversion of new users from different channels during a certain period of time, you can add the first step as the initial visit behavior in the core conversion funnel, and then you can view the subsequent conversion of new users.

3.3. Check the retention of new users from different channels

If you want to check the retention of new users from different channels in a certain period of time, you can set the initial behavior as the first visit in the retention analysis, and set the subsequent behavior as "any event" or a core behavior of interest, then you can analyze the retention of new users.

3.4. Calculate the sales of users brought by different channels

If you want to check the sales of users brought by different channels within a certain period of time, you can use event analysis to calculate the total amount of "payment orders" in the events, and then group them according to the first visit channel in the user profile.

4. How to view channel tracking related metrics in the Sensors system

Only the event attributes and user attributes of the AppInstall event, which is the App activation event. If you want to analyze the channel metrics of other events, please use "User Attributes" analysis.

4.1. View the number of active users from a specified channel

4.2. View the number of registered/pay order users from different channels

4.3. View the number of users who have successfully registered from different channels