1. Overview

In order to facilitate flexible analysis, meta-events or visual all-buried events can be disassembled or combined to form a new  custom event , thereby reducing the repeated filtering configuration of fixed and commonly used events during each analysis.

2. Usage scenario

custom events are composed of multiple meta events or visual all-buried events, and filter conditions can be set for each event of the custom event, of course, you can also set filter conditions for a single event to form a custom event. Deleting a custom event does not delete related data.

custom events support meta event merging and are applicable to the following typical scenarios:

  • Analyze new users : New users of App launch and page browsing, combined with custom events.
  • Analysis of multiple meta-event combinations : Event analysis after analyzing multiple meta-event combinations.

custom events support cross-end, cross-version and multi-entry integration of visual buried events, respectively applicable to the following typical scenarios:

  • Cross-end : Visualization of all-buried events for the same click button function on Android and iOS, and post-merge analysis with custom events.
  • Cross-version: Visualization of fully-buried events in different versions of the same click-button function, and post-merge analysis with custom events.
  • Multi-entry : The visual all-buried event of the click button of multiple entries with the same function on the same page, and the merged event is analyzed with the custom event.

3. Create custom event

  1. Select in turn Data fusion > Metadata management > Event table > custom event.
  2. Click on the top right corner Create custom event button.
  3. Fill event name which is required. The event name is the unique identifier of a custom event in the system. The value cannot exceed 100 characters and must start with an English character. By default, only letters, digits, and underscores (_) are supported.
  4. Fill event display name which is required. The display name of an event in use cannot exceed 100 characters or Chinese characters. In , the display name of an event cannot be the same.
  5. Upload Event screenshot which is optional. Event screenshots can better represent event composition by.
  6. Fill remark. Remarks help business students better understand the information.
  7. Add event.
  8. Events can be added repeatedly, and the relationship between multiple events is or. One event can be configured with multiple triggering conditions, and their relationship is and.
  9. Click the submit button.

When creating custom events, the supported fields and the mandatory or optional nature of fields are controlled by the field display configuration.

4. Manage custom events

On the custom events list page, you can search, filter, sort, view, edit, delete, enable/disable, and copy the created custom events.

4.1. custom events List Page

On the custom events list page, you can search, filter, and sort the custom events.

4.2. View custom event Details

Click the event name in the custom events list or the view button in the action column to view the details of the custom event.

4.3. Edit custom event

Click the edit button in the action column of the custom events list to edit the custom event. The event name cannot be edited.

4.4. Delete custom event

Click the delete button in the action column of the custom events list to edit the custom event.

4.5. Copy custom event

Click the more > copy button in the action column of the custom events list to quickly copy the custom event.

4.6. Enable/Disable custom event

Click the more > disable/enable button in the action column of the custom events list to disable or enable the custom event.

After disabling the custom event, it will no longer be displayed in dropdown components in applications such as tag grouping, Sensor Analysis, and intelligent operations. Resources created by previously referencing the event will also become unavailable.

5. Permissions

  • Having View Event Table permissions allows access the event table page to view custom events.
  • Having Manage custom events permissions allows for the management of custom events.