
An application with the same package name or Bundle ID cannot exist in multiple projects at the same time. If you want to create an application with the same package name or Bundle ID in different projects, you need to delete the original application first.

1. prerequisite

To use the channel tracking feature that includes Deeplink capabilities, check the following items in order:

  1. The https address for receiving data must be used, and the default port number 443 must be used. For details, see「update the Sensors background configuration」; If the configuration is successful, go to the second step "Add Application".
  2. The Data Receiving Address configured in the application must be the same as the Data Receiving Address copied on the Sensors Analytics page.
  3. trackAppInstall Check whether the interface was successfully invoked. If not, check whether the interface was successfully invoked「How to determine if the trackAppInstall interface has been successfully invoked」to configure;If the call is successful, enter the second step "Add application" directly;

Note:If the current call is still the old trackInstallation interface, please check「How to switch trackAppInstall interface」to configure

2. Add application

1、Enter basic application information

Enter the application name and select the required operating system

2、Enter the Android/iOS application information as required

Operating systemInformationInstructions
AndroidApplication package namePackage Name of Android application, which can be obtained from the AndroidManifest.xml file.
URL SchemeScheme protocol of Android application, which can be used to trigger the application in the browser.
Application SignatureApplication Signature is used to generate App Link, which is the standard for Android App Universal Links. It is supported by Android 6.0 and above versions, and enables seamless navigation between applications.
Application Download URLFor web landing pages, Web JS SDK needs to be integrated. You can add a "Open App" button and call relevant methods from Web JS SDK. If the app triggering fails, it will redirect to the application download URL.
iOSBundle IDBundle Identifier of iOS application, which is the unique identifier of the application.
URL SchemeScheme protocol of iOS application, which can be used to trigger the application in the browser.
App ID PrefixApp ID Prefix is used to generate Universal Link, which is the standard for iOS App Universal Links. It is supported by iOS 9.0 and above versions, and enables seamless navigation between applications.
Application Download URLFor web landing pages, Web JS SDK needs to be integrated. You can add a "Open App" button and call relevant methods from Web JS SDK. If the app triggering fails, it will redirect to the application download URL.

3. Create Link

1. Select Basic Information

Switch to the "Promote to App" tab in the channel management backend, and select "App Universal Channel (including Deeplink capability)"

2. Enter Deeplink related information

Select the app you want to promote, such as "Sensors Analytics"

Fill in the web landing page. If the app wake-up fails, it will be redirected to this landing page, such as the activity page

Note: If the web landing page can be redirected to the app download page, you need to integrate Sensors Analytics Web JS SDK in the web landing page and place a redirect button to call the relevant method.

Fill in the in-app parameters. The app can use these parameters to jump to specific pages or display pop-ups for activities. Please make sure to agree with your client's R&D team on how to use these parameters

3. Enter the channel information

Sensors Analytics supports inputting the following multi-dimensional channel information, making it easier to analyze the channel delivery performance according to different dimensions.

Channel Information

Explanation (can be enriched)

Activity Nameutm_campaign for advertising campaign activities, generally used to identify the name of the promotional campaign, such as weekend promotion, Double 11 campaign, etc.
Ad Sourceutm_source for advertising campaign sources, generally used to identify the source of traffic, referring source URL: baidu, sina, sohu
Ad Mediumutm_medium for advertising campaign media, generally used to identify the advertising media, marketing medium: cpc, banner, edm
Keywordsutm_term for advertising campaign keywords, generally used to identify paid keywords, mainly used for SEM
Ad Contentutm_content for advertising campaign content, generally used to distinguish ads

Sensors Data supports the new custom property feature to facilitate the analysis of custom dimensions.

3. Generate promotional links

Click completion, and the system will automatically generate the Deeplink according to the rules.

  • Deeplink: By clicking on this link, you can wake up the App or jump to the corresponding landing page.

4. Delivery

Copy the Deeplink and promote it on the desired page or medium.

Deeplink jump diagram in SMS scenario

5. Others

How to query the successful matching of app activation events in Sensors Data Channel?