1. Test Project and Production Project

By default, Sensor Analysis provides two projects: Test Project and Production Project. These two projects have different names and receiving addresses, but there are no other configuration differences, and data is isolated between the projects. It is recommended to send data to the Test Project during testing. Once the testing is complete and ready to go live, send data to the Production Project (modify the project parameter in the SDK initialization data receiving address server_url).

2. Real-time Data Import Query

Sensor Analysis provides the function to view the data being connected to the current system in real-time, Copy from .Real-time Data Import Query (New) v2.5.

3. Debug Real-time Data Query

Sensor Analysis provides Debug Mode to help developers debug code and adjust data formats, Copy from .Debug Real-time Data Query (New) v2.5.

4. Buried Point Data Query

Sensor Analysis provides unified management of buried points and the ability to view data import progress and error samples, Copy from .Buried Point Data Query (New) v2.5.