1.1. Usage Process

When using the product, we recommend the following best practices:

1.1.1. Phase 1: Preparation stage

  • Complete the requirements and demand for data analysis with our technical support.
  • Complete the preliminary division of behavioral events and the design of key user profiles according to the requirements.
  • Complete the installation of Sensors Analytics with our technical support.

1.1.2. Phase 2: Trial stage

  • Export a batch of historical data from an existing database or historical logs according to our specified data format.
  • Use our batch import tool to import historical data into the system.
  • Complete some data analysis work using the product on the imported data.
  • According to the requirements and usage, modify the event model or add corresponding properties.
  • After iterative improvement to meet the requirements, confirm the final event model.

1.1.3. Phase 3: Online usage stage

  • Clear trial environment data.
  • Use LogAgent to transmit logs in real time, or use various client or backend SDKs we provide to transmit data in real time.
  • Combine specific business needs to generate core metrics using various abstract data analysis models. Core metrics can be saved as bookmarks and added to the data Dashboard.
  • When there is a specific business scenario requiring analysis (such as sudden drop in conversion rate, want to analyze problems with which channel or want to analyze specific information about users lost during conversion), use the corresponding function as required.