Starting from version 2.2.0, you need to manually call the "initSDK" and activate the "trackAppInstall" methods.

For those who enable the "Always Use the Latest Version of the Module", please add the initialization and activation methods promptly.

  • Before using, please read the data model.
  • Sensors Analytics APICloud SDK encapsulates the commonly used APIs of Sensors Analytics Android & iOS SDK. By using this SDK, you can complete the statistical reporting of event tracking in applications developed with APICloud.

  • For SDK update logs, please refer to Android Release Notes and iOS Release Notes.

1. Module Addition

In the module library, search for "SensorsAnalyticsAPICloudSDK" and click the add button.

2. Importing Sensors Analytics Module

In the specific js file, import the Sensors Analytics APICloud module. The import module is as follows:

var sensorsApiCloudSdk = api.require('sensorsAnalyticsAPICloudSDK');

3. Initialize the Sensors Analytics SDK

3.1. Get the project's data receiving URL

  • Each project has a separate data receiving URL
  • Please use the account of the administrator to obtain the respective project's data receiving URL.

3.2. Initialize the SDK

sensorsApiCloudSdk.initSDK({ server_url:'数据接收地址', enable_log:false,//是否开启日志,默认 false auto_track:false,//是否开启应用启动退出全埋点采集,默认 false flush_interval:15000,//两次上报数据间隔,单位:毫秒 flush_bulkSize:100,//设置本地缓存日志的最大条目数,最小 50 条, 默认 100 条 encrypt:false,//是否开启加密,需后端支持,加密仅支持 RSA+AES });

Multi-process is not supported