
Due to limitations of the iOS system, starting from iOS 16.4, the iOS SDK cannot collect carrier information. This means that for iOS 16.4 and above, all events tracked by the iOS SDK will not have the preset attribute $carrier.

Reference: iOS & iPadOS 16.4 Release Notes

CategoryEnglish Variable NameDisplay Name

Data Type

Detailed Explanation

Auto Tracking

Supports Disabling

Default Display

Privacy Risk RelatedData Source
Reserved Attributedistinct_idUser IDSTRING

An anonymous ID before login, usually the device ID

User ID after login

More details refer to the user identifier

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
  • Backend SDK

The time when the event was triggered (accuracy: milliseconds)

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
  • Backend SDK
Basic Predefined Properties$app_stateApp StateSTRING

The current state of the app

This property is only available for $AppStartPassively

  • iOS SDK
$app_idApplication unique identifierSTRING

The identifier of the app

This property is available for Android, iOS, and Mini Program

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$app_nameApplication NameSTRINGApplication NameYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$app_versionApplication VersionSTRINGApp VersionYesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$is_first_dayWhether it is the first day of visitBOOL

Whether the event is triggered on the first day, server-side correction

More details refer to New users and first day first-time tag 

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$is_first_timeWhether it is the first time to trigger the eventBOOL

Whether the current user triggers this event for the first time, the server performs secondary corrections

For more information, please refer toNew user and first day first-time mark

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$timezone_offsetTimezone OffsetNUMBERThe number of minutes of the timezone offset of the device * -1YesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$event_durationEvent DurationNUMBERDuration of the event (in seconds)YesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$latitudeLatitudeNUMBERDimension, iOS and Android need to be manually enabledNoYesYesHigh
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$longitudeLongitudeNUMBERLongitude, iOS and Android need to be manually enabledNoYesYesHigh
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$titlePage TitleSTRING

Android: The value of the android:label attribute of the Activity

iOS: The title or text information on the titleView of the ViewController

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$screen_namePage NameSTRING

Android: Package name and class name of the Activity or Fragment

iOS: Class name of the ViewController

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
app_crashed_reasonCrash ReasonSTRINGCall stack information when the app crashesNoYesYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK

Android (v3.2.8+ Support), iOS (v1.11.5 ): Same as $screen_name

Web JS: windows.location.href

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$url_queryPage ParametersSTRINGContents after "?" in H5 page URLYesYesYeslow
  • Mini Program SDK
$url_pathPage PathSTRINGContents between "/" and "?" in H5 page URLYesisislow
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$referrerForward URLSTRING

Information of the previous page's $url

For WeChat Mini Program, it is the $url_path of the previous page

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$referrer_hostForward DomainSTRING$referrer host sectionyesyesyeswithin
  • Web SDK
$referrer_titleprevious page titleSTRINGprevious page title of the previous pagenoyesyesnone
  • Mini Program SDK
$user_agentUserAgentSTRINGUserAgent obtained through server-side parsingNoYesNoMedium/
$sceneLaunch sceneSTRINGScene information when opening the Mini ProgramYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$share_depthNumber of sharesNUMBER

The level of the current user in the share chain

For example, the original visitor is 0, and the visitor who opens the page through the original visitor's share is 1

  • mini program SDK
$share_distinct_idsharerSTRINGThe user ID of the current mini program sharerisisisinside
  • mini program SDK
$share_url_pathshare pathSTRINGThe path information when the mini program is sharedisisisLow
  • WeChat Mini Program SDK
$share_methodShare MethodSTRINGThe method of sharing the Mini Program, such as sharing on WeChat Moments and forwarding message cards.YesYesYesLow
  • WeChat Mini Program SDK
$source_package_nameSource Application Package NameSTRING

Package name of the source application

$bot_nameSpider NameSTRINGWhen the SDK identifies the access as a spider, it will attempt to parse this value.YesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$viewport_heightViewport HeightNUMBERThe actual height of the browser's viewport (in pixels).NoYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$viewport_positionViewport Position from TopNUMBER

Unit: px

If there is no scroll bar on the page, this attribute is 0

  • Web SDK
$viewport_widthViewport WidthNUMBERActual viewport width of the browser (in px)NoYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$item_joinItem Match Mode-User Dimension Table NameNoYesYesNone
$receive_time$receive_timeNUMBERTime when the server received the eventYesNoNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
  • Backend SDK
$lib_plugin_versionSDK Plugin VersionLISTSensors Analytics Plugin VersionsYesNoNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
Device-related$brandDevice BrandSTRINGDevice BrandYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$manufacturerDevice ManufacturerSTRINGDevice ManufacturerYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$modelDevice ModelSTRINGDevice ModelYesNoisin
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$osOperating SystemSTRINGOperating SystemYesNoYesin
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$os_versionOperating System VersionSTRINGOperating System VersionYesNoYes
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$screen_heightScreen HeightNUMBERMobile Screen HeightYesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$screen_widthScreen widthNUMBERMobile screen widthYesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$wifiWhether WIFIBOOLWhether WIFI networkYesNoislow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$carriercarrierSTRINGdevice carrier informationyesnoyesmedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$network_typenetwork typeSTRINGnetwork typeyesnoislow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$device_idDevice IDSTRING

Android: AndroidID


  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$screen_orientationScreen OrientationSTRING

Current orientation of the device (landscape or portrait)

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$browser_versionBrowser versionSTRINGBrowser versionYesNoYesMedium
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
Click event related$element_idElement IDSTRINGAndroid: Widget android:idYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_nameElement NameSTRINGElement Nameisisislow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_typeElement TypeSTRINGControl typeisisislow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_contentElement ContentSTRINGElement ContentYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_positionElement PositionSTRINGThe position of the clicked element within the list controlYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_selectorElement SelectorSTRING

Element Path Information

Used for matching in App Heatmap Analysis

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_target_urlElement Link AddressSTRINGElement Link AddressYesYesYeslow
  • Web SDK
$element_class_nameelement class nameSTRINGelement class nameYesYesYeslow
  • Web SDK
latest related attributes$latest_referrerlatest external referrerSTRINGlatest external referrerYesYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_referrer_hostLatest Referrer HostSTRINGLatest Referrer HostNoYesYesMetric
  • Web SDK
$latest_search_keywordLatest Search Engine KeywordSTRINGSearch keyword parsed from $latest_referrerYesYesYesMetric
  • Web SDK
$latest_traffic_source_typeLatest Traffic Source TypeSTRINGLatest Traffic Source TypeYesYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_landing_pageLatest Landing PageSTRINGLatest Landing PageNoYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_campaignRecent Ad Campaign NameSTRINGRecent Ad Campaign NameYesYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_contentRecent Ad Campaign ContentSTRINGRecent Ad Campaign ContentYesYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_mediumRecent Ad Campaign MediumSTRINGLast Ad Campaign MediumYesYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_sourceLast Ad Campaign SourceSTRINGLast Ad Campaign SourceYesYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_termLast Ad Campaign KeywordSTRINGLast Ad Campaign KeywordYesYesYesIn
  • Web SDK
$latest_sceneLast launched sceneSTRINGLast launched sceneYesYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$latest_share_methodThe way of the last shareSTRINGThe way of the last shareYesYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
SDK Related$libSDK TypeSTRINGSDK Type, such as Android, iOSYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$lib_versionSDK VersionSTRINGSDK VersionYesNoNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini-program SDK
$lib_methodTracking methodSTRING

Triggering method for tracking (full tracking, custom tracking)

Unified custom tracking for web and mini-program SDK

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini-program SDK
$lib_detailUser Behavior DetailsSTRINGCall stack information when triggering the user behaviorYesYesNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
Channel Related$ios_install_sourceDevice fingerprint information required for app channel matchingSTRINGFor Android: IMEI information
For iOS: IDFA information

Do not store as attribute

Attribute is deleted after server-side channel matching

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$channel_device_infoDevice fingerprint information required for app channel matching (different from the event variable name above)STRING

Attribute not stored in Database

The attribute is deleted after server-side channel matching

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$ios_install_disable_callbackWhether to disable tracking callbackBOOLWhether to disable tracking callbackNoYesYeslow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$is_channel_callback_eventWhether to perform channel matching callbackBOOLWhether the channel matching result of the event needs to be callback to the channel providerNoYesNolow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$channel_extra_informationChannel extra informationSTRING

Additional information added to the channel tracking link

Such as IMEI, OAID



$utm_matching_typeChannel Tracking Matching TypeSTRINGFuzzy Matching, Exact MatchingNoYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$utm_sourceAdvertising Campaign SourceSTRINGAdvertising Campaign SourceNoYesisin
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_mediumAdvertising Campaign MediumSTRINGAdvertising Campaign MediumNoYesYesin
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_termAdvertising Campaign TermSTRINGAd Campaign KeywordNoYesYesIn
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_contentAd Campaign ContentSTRINGAd Campaign ContentNoYesYesIn
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_campaignAd Campaign NameSTRINGAd Campaign NameNoYesYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$matched_keyChannel Matching KeywordSTRING

This attribute is not available by default when collecting events in the App, but is added in the extractor module. It is used to record the matching key field when the App channel tracking is successful. For example, if it is matched successfully using IMEI, then the MD5 of the IMEI will be recorded. If it is matched successfully using IP_UA, then it will be recorded as IP_UA. If there is no successful match, the attribute value will be displayed as "Unknown" in the event analysis page.

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$matching_key_listChannel Matching Keyword ListSTRING

Supported since SA 1.14 version; The default is not available when collecting events on the App side, instead it is added in the extractor module. It records all the matching keywords of the activation event, such as the MD5-encrypted IMEI, Android ID, OAID, IP_UA, etc. During the matching process, it matches with the priority of these keywords and the recorded keywords when clicking on ads.

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$short_url_keyShort URL KeySTRING

The last node value of the path in the short link URL

$short_url_targetShort link target addressSTRINGComplete URL corresponding to the short linkNoYesYesLow/
$channel_active_period_dayActive Window Period (Days)NUMBERRecords the information of the window period configuration, and traces the changes in activation caused by window period changesYesNoYesNone/
$channel_callback_period_dayDepth Return Attribution Window (days)NUMBERYesNoYesNone/
$channel_attribute_period_hourActivation Attribution Window (hours)NUMBERYesNoYesNone/
$channel_nameChannel NameSTRINGRelated to front-end advertising data, used for association and filtering when generating delivery analysis reportsYesNoYesNone/
$channel_account_idChannel Advertiser IDSTRINGYesNoYesNone/
$channel_campaign_idChannel Ad Campaign IDSTRINGYesNoYesNo/
$channel_adgroup_idChannel Ad Group IDSTRINGYesNoYesNo/
$channel_ad_idChannel Ad Creative IDSTRINGYesNoYesNo/
$channel_click_idChannel Click IDSTRINGCheck click data with advertising platformYesNoYesNone/
$first_channel_nameFirst Channel NameSTRINGAssociated with front-end advertising data, used for generating delivery analysis reportYesNoYesNone/
$first_channel_account_idFirst Channel Advertiser IDSTRINGYesNoNoNone/
$first_channel_campaign_idFirst Channel Campaign IDSTRINGYesNoNoNone/
$first_channel_adgroup_idFirst Channel Adgroup IDSTRINGYesNoNoNone/
$first_channel_ad_idFirst Channel Ad IDSTRINGYesNoNoNone/
$first_channel_click_idFirst Channel Click IDSTRINGVerify Click Data with Ad PlatformsYesNoYesNone/
$channel_active_resultChannel ActivationBOOL
IP-related$ipIPSTRINGNginx ParsingYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$cityCitySTRINGIP ResolutionYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$provinceProvinceSTRINGIP ResolutionYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$countryCountrySTRINGIP ResolveYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$ip_ispIP ISPSTRINGIP ResolveYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
User association related$is_login_idIs Login IDBOOLWhether the distinct_id of the event is a Login ID, added when the event is storedYesNoNoLow
  • Backend SDK
$track_signup_original_idAssociate Original IDSTRINGUser login, used to associate with anonymous IDYesNoYesHigh/
item-related preset properties

$is_validIs bannedBOOLWhether the record is validYesNoYesLow/
$receive_timeArrival timeNUMBER
$update_timeUpdate TimeDATETIME