Sensor Analytics provides some assistive tools to help you implement custom functions or facilitate operations.

Instructions for using the sa_clean data cleaning tool (This tool will be invalid after installing SDF. Please use the sdfadmin data cleaning tool.)

sdfadmin data cleaning tool instructions (This tool can only be used after installing SDF. If SDF is not installed, please use the sa_clean data cleaning tool.)
The data cleaning tool is used to clean the event data and profile data imported into Sensor Analytics.

Instructions for using the multi-project management tool
Sensor Analytics introduced the multi-project feature in version 1.5. The multi-project management tool is used for project creation, deletion, and other operations.

Instructions for using the metadata creation tool
Sensor Analytics added a command-line tool for creating, exporting, and importing metadata in version 1.6.

Instructions for using the environment detection tool
The Sensor Detection Tool is mainly used to check if the server meets the requirements for deploying Sensor Analytics.