1. What information is included in the basic data?

The basic data is an automatically generated data dashboards group based on the full coverage of the data by sensors and a small amount of user customization. Generally, it can be divided into the following five categories:

  • Overall Overview: Starting from the overall usage of the product, generates basic data indicators. It provides a basic understanding of the overall usage of the product.

  • User acquisition: Starting from the perspective of customer acquisition channels and versions, it generates some indicators that can be used to understand channel advantages and disadvantages. It provides clear observations of traffic and conversion rates for each channel.

  • Activity and retention: Starting from user visits and stickiness states, this observes the trend changes in product visits and revisiting, and provides a clear understanding of user stickiness and immersion in the product.

  • Event conversion: Based on the selected events and properties, this generates data indicators such as the number of times the event occurred, the number of people involved, and distribution data. It provides information about overall user conversion and revenue.

  • User characteristics: Based on basic attributes, such as address location, gender, and operating system, the users are grouped together to facilitate a better understanding of distribution and percentage of user. 

2. How to add and customize basic data dashboards?

Roles with the "Manage Team Dashboards" authority can add "basic data dashboards" to "Team Dashboards" from the scenario store.

  • Members without the "Manage Public Dashboards" authority can only view the introduction of this scenario library. If they need to use it, they can contact members who have the authority to add it.
  • The basic data dashboards consists of several groups, and in the team dashboards, only the overall sorting can be performed, and copying and sharing settings are not yet supported.

Please see how to add and set up "Basic Data Dashboards" in the usage introduction of scenario store.

3. Metric detailed analysis

3.1. Category 1: Overall View

  • Real-time Data

    The product's real-time data every hour helps you understand the current real-time situation of the product.

    • Real-time Visits
      • The product's real-time number of visitors, updated hourly.
    • Real-time New User Numbers
      • The product's real-time number of new user visits, updated hourly.
    • Real-Time Occurrence of Revenue Events
      • The real-time number of revenue events occurring in the product, updated hourly.
      • If you want to add a new event for monitoring, please contact the administrator to set it up.
  • Overview

    Overall usage of the product, including user volume, visit situation, retention, etc., which helps you get a rough understanding of the overall product indicators

    • Total number of users
      • The accumulated number of users since the product is launched
    • Number of new users added yesterday
    • The total number of visits or users yesterday
    • The average number of visits/sessions per user, duration and depth yesterday
      • Web indicator, calculated using session (session_default)
      • App indicator, calculated using $ExitApp event
    • The proportion of new/old users' visits
      • The daily distribution of new and previous users
    • 7-day retention of new/all users
      • Both start and subsequent events are page visits by users
    • The distribution of visit times for each page
      • Grouped by the page title property based on $App pageview and $Web pageview of Full-paged tracking
    • The distribution of visit terminals
      • Grouped by operating system used during visits

3.2. Category 2: User Acquisition

  • Channel Visit

    The usage of users from each channel, including the proportion of new users in the channel, retention, etc., to help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of customer acquisition. Channel data in App will be further divided by iOS and Android.

    • Number of new users added
      • The total number of all new users, including natural and channel traffic
    • Number of new channel users added
      • Only the number of new users from channel traffic will be counted
    • Average visit duration per user
      • Web indicator, calculated using session (session_default)
      • App Metric Calculation: $Exit App event is used for App metrics
    • Abnormal Traffic
      • App abnormal traffic refers to access behavior that closes within 5 seconds of opening
  • Version Data

    Usage data for each version of the App, providing insights on whether there are improvements in terms of activity and retention during the product upgrade process

    • Version Access Traffic
    • Average Visit Duration per User
    • Retention by Version
      • 7-day retention for each App version

3.3. Category 3: Activity and Retention

  • Daily Access Traffic

    Daily App access data focusing on new and returning users, providing metrics such as visit count, duration, distribution, and peak access time, helping to understand some user behavior characteristics when using the product

    • Unique Visitors
    • Proportion of Access Between New and Returning Users
    • Average Usage Duration per User for New and Returning Users
    • Startup/Access Count for New and Returning Users
    • Daily/Weekly Startup Time
      • Daily Access Time Distribution of Users
      • Weekly Access Time Distribution of Users
  • User Retention

    Providing data on user retention for 7, 1, 2, and 4 weeks to help understand user stickiness for new and returning users

    • 7 day Retention/Loss
    • next day Retention/Loss
    • next week Retention/Loss
    • next month Retention/Loss

3.4. Category 4: Event Conversion

  • Event Conversion

    Users' self-defined critical events, and Sensors will generate the occurrence times, number of users and distribution of this event automatically.

    • New and returning user event occurrence times/number/average occurrence times
    • Distribution of event occurrences
  • Profit event conversion

    Users customize profit events, Sensorsdata will generate the occurrence times, number of users, and distribution of this event automatically. Based on the numeric attribute type you select, this event will calculate the total value, average value, and average occurrence times.

    • New and returning users profit event occurrence times/number/average occurrence times
    • New and returning users profit events

3.5. Category 5: User Characteristics

  • User Characteristics
    • Distribution of user visits by province
    • Distribution of user visits by city
    • Distribution of user visits by gender
    • Distribution of user visits by operating system
    • Ratio of new and returning users

4. FAQ

  • Q: What kind of user permissions can set the preset dashboards?
    A: The administrator account can set up the preset dashboards.

  • Q: How to modify the index information in the management dashboard?
    A: If you want to add new events in the event conversion module, you can notify the administrator to set up. The Sensors Analytics does not currently support adding indicators in other modules.

  • Q: How to modify the inaccurate index in some modules?
    A: Currently, most of the indicators in Sensors Analytics are calculated and compiled using full-buried point data, and user-defined corrections are not supported for the time being. However, you can contact the developer for code configuration modification.

  • Q: How to copy an index?
    A: You can enter the analysis model by clicking on the indicator, and click "Save" to save it to your bookmark, and add this bookmark to your created dashboard.

  • Q: How to turn off preset dashboards?
    A: The administrator account needs to close it in the public sharing settings. After closing, the preset dashboards module will not be displayed for non-administrator accounts.

  • Q: What problems can preset dashboards help me solve?
    A: The indicators in the preset dashboards are classified according to customer acquisition, flow, and conversion, and can give you a systemic and comprehensive understanding of the product's overall health status. If you want to do some custom indicators based on this, you can customize it based on some of the indicators as templates.

5. Basic calculation events

  • Calculate active events

    • App will use full-tracking events such as $AppViewScreen, $AppStart, $AppEnd for calculation
    • Web will use full-tracking events such as $pageview for calculation
  • Calculated Session Duration

    • App will use session_default_1 for session calculation
    • Web will use session_default for session calculation
  • If your project does not have the above mentioned events, you can enable full-tracking for data collection

  • Session-type events can be manually built, whose name should match session_default_1 / session_default.