1. Web and Mini Program Advertising Channel Parameters

1.1. First Advertising Campaign Parameters ($utm_source, etc.)

This type of first advertising campaign xx attribute is User Attribute, which includes:

Attribute NameDisplay Name
$utm_sourceFirst advertising campaign source
$utm_mediumFirst advertising campaign medium
$utm_termFirst advertising campaign term
$utm_contentFirst advertising campaign content
$utm_campaignFirst advertising campaign name

Trigger Timing: Open the website/mini-program integrated with the Sensors Javascript SDK on a new device, and the data will only be recorded if the page URL contains utm_source and other utm-related parameters. The collected data will not be modified.

Use Case: Can be used to determine the user's channel drainage situation on the 【First】 visit based on the user's first advertising campaign parameters.

1.2. Advertising campaign parameters ($utm_source, etc.)

This type of attribute is an event attribute, including:

Attribute NameDisplay Name
$utm_sourceAdvertising campaign source
$utm_mediumAdvertising campaign medium
$utm_termAdvertising campaign term
$utm_contentAdvertising campaign content
$utm_campaignAdvertising campaign name

Trigger:When the user accesses a web page/applet with $utm related parameters, the web page's $pageview or the applet's $MPLaunch, $MPShow, $MPViewScreen events will record the value of the utm_source parameter in the current page address.

Note: Other preset or custom events do not have this attribute.

Use case:These events are usually used to track and analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns during a certain period. The following figure shows the traffic sources for different channels from June 29, 2020 to July 1, 2020:

1.3. Recent advertising campaign parameters ($latest_utm_source, etc.)

This attribute is an event attribute and exists in all web/mobile app events, including custom tracking events.

Attribute nameDisplay name
$latest_utm_sourceLatest UTM source
$latest_utm_mediumLatest UTM medium
$latest_utm_termLatest UTM term
$latest_utm_contentLatest UTM content
$latest_utm_campaignLatest UTM campaign

Use Case: View the latest UTM parameters when using a specific module, clicking on a certain control, or completing a specific operation.


User page visit sequence: A Page -> B Page -> C Page -> D Page

A Page (....?utm_source=aaa)

B page (...?utm_source=bbb&utm_medium=123)

C page (...?utm_source=ccc)

D page (...?utm_source=ddd&utm_term=456)

User Attribute First Ad Campaign$utm_source=aaa


$pageview Event Ad Campaign Property$utm_source=aaa






Custom Event Ad Campaign Property$latest_utm_source=aaa









  1. If the incoming traffic is from off-site sources and the current on-site page redirection has a new utm_source parameter configured in the URL, the $latest_utm_source will be updated to the new value, making it impossible to know the source of the off-site traffic.

  2. Due to the coverage/merging mechanism of $latest_utm_ information, it may be generated based on utm parameters in multiple URLs, so it may not accurately reflect the most recent utm source.

2. App Advertising Parameters

2.1. First Campaign Parameters ($utm_source, etc.)

For this type of first campaign, the attribute is user attribute, including

Attribute NameDisplay Name
$utm_sourceFirst campaign source
$utm_mediumFirst campaign medium
$utm_termFirst Advertising Campaign Keyword
$utm_contentFirst Advertising Campaign Content
$utm_campaignName of First Advertising Campaign

Trigger Event: Records the channel advertising information when the user downloads, installs, and activates the app by clicking on the ad for the first time, and the collected data will not be modified.

Use Case: Can determine the channel drainage situation for user's first-time advertising campaign based on the user's first advertising campaign parameters.

2.2. Advertising Campaign Parameters ($utm_source, etc.)

This type of property is an event attribute, including

Property NameDisplay Name
$utm_sourceAdvertising Campaign Source
$utm_mediumAdvertising Campaign Medium
$utm_termAdvertising Campaign Word
$utm_contentAdvertising Campaign Content
$utm_campaignAdvertising Campaign Name

Trigger Timing: Only the AppInstall event records the successful ad source information when clicking the ad to download and activate the app, other events do not have this property.

Use Case: AppInstall event is usually needed to track and analyze advertising effectiveness

AppInstall Event Trigger Mechanism:

The App code needs to call the trackInstallation interface, and only the first opening of the App will trigger the AppInstall event. Opening the App again will not trigger it. Uninstalling and reinstalling the App will trigger the AppInstall event again.

On iOS SDK versions before v2.1.10, uninstalling and reinstalling the App will not trigger the AppInstall event again.