For the usage of Visualized Auto-Track on Sensors Analytics, please refer to Visualized Auto-Track

1. Android end

Version requirement

Android SDK v4.0.0 and above

1.1. Configure scheme

In the AndroidManifest.xml, configure the scheme in the tag of MainActivity. For more details, please refer to Configuring scheme.

<!-- Android 12 需添加 android:exported="true"--> <activity android:name="" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" android:exported="true" android:launchMode="singleTask"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:scheme="您项目的 scheme" /> </intent-filter> </activity>

1.2. Enable Visualized Auto-Track

SDK Set  SAConfigOptions before initializing SDK, call  enableVisualizedAutoTrack(true) to enable Visualized Auto-Track

// 开启可视化全埋点 saConfigOptions.enableVisualizedAutoTrack(true);

1.3. Custom Properties of Visualized Auto-Track

Version requirement

Android SDK v6.0.0 and above

SA enables SDG and SDG version is above v0.10.0.134

Edge version number: 0.2.9882


If you need to use custom properties of Visualized Auto-Track, you need to set enableVisualizedProperties: true

// 开启可视化全埋点自定义属性配置下发 saConfigOptions.enableVisualizedProperties(true);

When this property is false, the created custom properties of Visualized Auto-Track cannot be collected.

2. iOS end

  • This function requires iOS SDK is v2.0.0 and above
  • Before enabling the feature, make sure it is completed in your iOS projectconfigure Scheme

Before SDK initialization, set the SAConfigOptions's enableVisualizedAutoTrack property to YES, to enable visualized auto track

// 开启可视化全埋点 options.enableVisualizedAutoTrack = YES;

2.1. Custom properties of Visualized Auto Track

Version requirement

iOS SDK v4.0.0 and above

In order to open SDG and its version is v0.10.0.134 or above.

Edge version: 0.2.9882


If you need to use custom properties for Visualized Auto Track, you need to configure enableVisualizedProperties:

// 开启可视化全埋点自定义属性配置下发 options.enableVisualizedProperties = YES;

Under the situation where the property is set to false, the created custom properties for visualized auto track cannot be collected.

3. React Native App

Version requirement

  • React Native 0.46 ~ 0.66
  • React Native SDK v2.0.1 and above
  • Android SDK v4.1.1 and above
  • Android Plugin v3.2.5 and above
  • iOS SDK v2.0.10 and above

By integrating Sensors Analytics React Native SDK, you just need to enable visualized auto track function on the native side to automatically support React Native pages and controls.

3.1. Custom properties of Visualized Auto Track

Version Requirements

iOS SDK v4.0.0 and above

Android v6.0.0 and above

SA Enables the SDGS and the version of the SDGS v0.10.0.134 above

Edge version:0.2.9882


If you need to customize properties using visual buried points, you need to configure them enableVisualizedProperties: 

Android 端: // 开启可视化全埋点自定义属性配置下发 saConfigOptions.enableVisualizedProperties(true); iOS 端: // 开启可视化全埋点自定义属性配置下发 options.enableVisualizedProperties = YES;

If this property is false, the created visual custom property cannot be collected.

4. Web side

4.1. Enable visualization of full track

version requirement

Web JS SDK v1.15.10 and above

For Web JS SDK v1.15.27 or later, SA must enable SDG and SDG version v0.7.4 or later

After integrating the Web JS SDK, if enabled Full trackfunction, the visual full track function will also be automatically opened, only for the right ainputbutton 、textarea and div elements are visualized all buried points.


  1. The visualization of div elements Web JS SDK is required at full track v1.15.15 and above;
  2. The visual buried point of div element needs to be the leaf node;
  3. Automatic collection of leaf node buried by div element needs to be enabled by collect_tags configuration (specific rules can be referred to:full track support collecting div).

4.2. Visual track support other element types

version requirement

Web JS SDK v1.18.4 and above

heatmap:{ 		// 配置任意类型元素支持可视化 collect_tags:{ div: { 			 max_level: 1 // 默认是 1,即只支持叶子 div。可配置范围是 [1, 2, 3],非该范围配置值,会被当作 1 处理。 			 }, 			 li: true, 		 img: true, svg: true } 		// 配置自定义属性支持可视化 		track_attr: ['hotrep', 'anotherprop', "data-prop2"], } // 配置自定义属性支持可视化 - dom 示例 <p hotrep id="test1">hotrep p tag</p> <p><span anotherprop id="test2">another repo a.b.c</span></p> <p><strong data-prop2 id="test3">strong with prop2 attribute</strong></p> // data-sensors-click 指定元素支持可视化 <div name='test' data-sensors-click> <p>我是测试元素</p></div>

4.3. Visual full track custom properties & Arbitrary level div

version requirement

Web JS SDK v1.18.4 and above

SA Enables the SDGS and the version of the SDGS v0.10.0.134 above

Edge version:0.2.9882


If you need to use visual custom properties, configureget_vtrack_config : true , the following is an example of the location of configuration items:

	... 	sdk_url: '在 github 下载新版本的 sensorsdata.min.js ', name: 'sensors', server_url:'数据接收地址', heatmap: { //是否开启点击图,默认 default 表示开启 clickmap:'default', //是否开启可视化自定义属性,默认为 true,表示开启,可以设置为 false 关闭 get_vtrack_config: true } 	...

If this property is false:

  1. The SDK buried data does not add custom properties created visually
  2. Custom properties are not available for Web visualization
  3. Web visualization does not support arbitrary level divs

4.4. Screenshot function

version requirement

  • Sensors Analytics v1.17.3374 and above or v2.0.3411 and above
  • Web JS SDK v1.15.10 and above

The visual buried point screenshot function supports only Chrome and needs to be installed in advanceVisualization full buried point screenshot plugin. If you can't access the previous Chrome Web Store address, you can download Offline installation package, then install it by going to Developer Mode → load the unzipped extension.

5. H5 embedded in App

For the H5 page embedded in the App, if enabledfull trackfunction, and afterApp Integration H5 . In the configuration of App visual buried points, the analysis platform can automatically identify the H5 page and support the visual selection of H5 controls.

version requirement

  • Sensors Analytics v1.17.3232 and above or v2.0.3411 and above
  • Android SDK v4.0.7 and above
  • iOS SDK v2.0.8 and above
  • Web JS SDK v1.15.10 and above

For iOS App, only H5 pages loaded with WKWebView are currently supported.