1. Built-in events

Event variable nameEvent display nameProperty variable nameProperty display nameProperty value typeProperty value example or description
$AppStartApp Start
$Built-in Properties

$is_first_timeIs First TimeBoolean
$sceneLaunch SceneStringStartup Scene (source.type)
$source_package_nameSource AppStringSource Package Name (source.packageName)
$AppViewScreenApp Browsing Page
$Predefined attribute

$sceneStartup SceneStringStartup Scene (source.type)
$titlePage TitleStringPage Title (router.getState().name)
$url_pathPage PathStringPage Path (router.getState().path)
$source_package_nameSource AppStringSource Package Name (source.packageName)

2. Common Predefined Attributes for all events

Field NameTypeDescriptionNotes
$libStringSDK TypeThe value for Quick App SDK is QuickApp
$lib_versionStringSDK Version
$app_idStringPackage name of the quick appSupported from version 0.5.0 and above
$screen_heightNumericScreen height
$screen_widthNumericScreen width
$modelStringDevice model
$manufacturerStringDevice manufacturer
$osStringOperating System
$os_versionStringOperating System Version
$is_first_dayBooleanWhether it is the first day of visit (true for the value between the first visit of a new user to midnight on that day, false afterwards, indicating the existence in storage)
$is_login_idBooleanWhether it is a login ID (judged and added during data storage)
$ipStringAttribute carried with the SDK data request
$timezone_offsetNumberTimezone OffsetSupported in version 0.5.0 and above
$countryStringObtained by IP parsing
$provinceStringObtained by IP parsing
$cityStringObtained by IP parsing
$network_typeStringNetwork Type
$browserStringBrowser Name, obtained by UA parsing
$browser_versionStringBrowser Version, obtained by UA parsing