
Due to the restriction of iOS system, version 16.4 and above of iOS, the iOS SDK doesn't collect carrier information. That is, all events of iOS SDK doesn't have the preset attribute $carrier in iOS system version 16.4 and above.

Reference: iOS & iPadOS 16.4 Release Notes

1. Preset Event Attribute

CategoryAttribute NameAttribute Display Name

Data Type

Detailed Explanation

Is Automatically Collected

Is Close Supportable

Is Default Display

Privacy Risk RelatedCollection End
Reserved Attributedistinct_idUser IDSTRING

Before logging in, it is an anonymous ID, usually the device ID

After login is Login ID

For more details, refer to Identify Users-Simple user association (IDM 2.0 & IDM 1.0)

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
  • Backend SDK

Event trigger time (precision: milliseconds)

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
  • Back-end SDK
Basic Preset Attributes$app_stateApp statusSTRING

Current status of the App

Only $AppStartPassively has this attribute

  • iOS SDK
$app_idUnique Application IdentifierSTRING

App Identifier

Android, iOS, Mini Programs have this attribute

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$app_nameApplication NameSTRINGApplication NameYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$app_versionApplication VersionSTRINGApp version numberYesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$resume_from_backgroundIs it awakened from the backgroundBOOLApp is awakened from the background or notYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$is_first_dayIs it the first day of visitBOOL

If the event triggered on the first day, the server will make a second correction

For more details, refer to New Users and First Day First Time Marking 

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$is_first_timeWhether the event is triggered for the first timeBOOL

Whether this is the first time the current user trigger this event, the server will make a second correction

For more information, please refer to New Users and First Day First Time Marking

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$timezone_offsetTime Zone OffsetNUMBERThe offset of the time zone where the device is located in minutes * -1YesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$event_durationEvent DurationNUMBERDuration of the event (in seconds)YesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$latitudeLatitudeNUMBERLatitude, iOS and Android need to be enabled manuallyNoYesYesHigh
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$longitudeLongitudeNUMBERLongitude, iOS and Android need to be manually enabledNoYesYesHigh
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Applet SDK
$titlePage TitleSTRING

Android: android:label attribute value of Activity

iOS: text information on title or titleView of ViewController

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$screen_namePage NameSTRING

Android: Package name corresponding to Activity or Fragment.Class name

iOS: Class name of ViewController

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$app_crashed_reasonCrash ReasonSTRINGCall stack information when the App crashesNoYesYesNo
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK

Android(v3.2.8+ Supports)、iOS( v1.11.5 ): similar to $screen_name

Web JS:windows.location.href

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$url_hostDomain Name of Page URLSTRING

Page Domain Address

  • Web SDK
$url_queryPage ParameterSTRINGContent after "?" in H5 page URLYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$url_pathPage PathSTRINGContent between "/" and "?" in H5 page URLYesYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$referrerForward AddressSTRING

Information of previous page's $url

WeChat Mini Program is for the previous page's $url_path

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$referrer_hostForward DomainSTRINGThe host part of $referrerYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$referrer_titleForward page titleSTRINGTitle of the previous pageNoYesYesNone
  • Mini Program SDK
$user_agentUserAgentSTRINGUserAgent, obtained by server-side parsingNoYesNoMedium/
$sceneStartup sceneSTRINGScene information when opening the appletYesYesYesLow
  • Applet SDK
$share_depthShares countNUMBER

Level of the current user in the share chain

E.g. The original visitor is 0, visitors who open the page via the original visitor's share is 1

  • Mini-program SDK
$share_distinct_idSharerSTRINGCurrent Mini-program sharer's user IDYesYesYesMedium
  • Mini-program SDK
$share_url_pathShared PathSTRINGPath information when the mini-program is sharedYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$share_methodSharing approachSTRINGApproach of sharing mini program, such as share in Moments, forward message card, etc.YesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$source_package_nameSource App Package NameSTRING

Name of the source app package

$bot_nameCrawler NameSTRINGOnly when the SDK judges as a crawler visit, it will try to parse this valueYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$viewport_heightViewport HeightNUMBERThe actual browser viewport height (unit: px)NoYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$viewport_positionPosition of the viewport from the topNUMBER

Unit: px

If there is no scroll bar on the page, this attribute is 0

  • Web SDK
$viewport_widthViewport widthNUMBERActual browser viewport width (Unit: px)NoYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$item_joinItem Matching Mode-Corresponding dimension table nameNoYesYesNone
$receive_time$receive_timeNUMBERThe time when the server received this eventYesNoNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Applet SDK
  • Backend SDK
$lib_plugin_versionSDK Plugin Version LIST Versions of various plugins for Sensors AnalyticsYesNoNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
Device Related$brandDevice BrandSTRINGDevice BrandYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Applet SDK
$manufacturerDevice ManufacturerSTRINGDevice ManufacturerYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Applet SDK
$modelDevice ModelSTRINGDevice ModelYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$osOperating SystemSTRINGOperating SystemYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$os_versionOperating System VersionSTRINGOperating System Version NumberYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$screen_heightScreen HeightNUMBERMobile Screen HeightYesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$screen_widthScreen WidthNUMBERMobile Screen WidthYesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$wifiWIFI or notBOOLWIFI network or notYesNoYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$carrierCarrierSTRINGDevice carrier informationYesNoYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$network_typeNetwork TypeSTRINGNetwork TypeYesNoYeslow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$device_idDevice IDSTRING

Android: AndroidID


  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$screen_orientationScreen OrientationSTRING

Current device orientation (horizontal or vertical)

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
Browser related$browserBrowserSTRINGBrowserYesNoYesMedium
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$browser_languageUser browser languageSTRINGUser Browser LanguageYesNoYesNone
  • Web SDK
$browser_versionBrowser VersionSTRINGBrowser VersionYesNoYesMedium
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
Click Event Related$element_idElement IDSTRINGAndroid: Widget android:idYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_nameElement nameSTRINGElement nameYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_typeElement TypeSTRINGType of controlYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_contentElement ContentSTRINGElement ContentYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_positionElement PositionSTRINGThe position of the clicked element in the list widgetYesYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_selectorElement SelectorSTRING

Path information of the element

App Clicks Analysis uses this property for matching

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_pathElement PathSTRING

Element Path Information

This attribute is used for matching in full visualization tracking

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
$element_target_urlElement Link AddressSTRINGElement Link AddressYesYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$element_class_nameElement Style NameSTRINGElement Style NameYesYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$page_xPage X CoordinateNUMBERX coordinate value of the page when clickedYesYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
$page_yPage Y CoordinateNUMBERY coordinate value of the page at the time of clickYesYesYesLow
  • Web SDK
latest related attributes$latest_referrerLatest external addressSTRINGLatest external addressYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_referrer_hostLast external domainSTRINGLast external domainNoYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_search_keywordLast search engine keywordSTRINGSearch keywords parsed from the $latest_referrerYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_traffic_source_typeLatest Traffic Source TypeSTRINGLatest Traffic Source TypeYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_landing_pageLatest Landing PageSTRINGLatest Landing PageNoYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_campaignLatest Advertisement Campaign NameSTRINGLast Ad Campaign NameYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_contentLast Ad Campaign ContentSTRINGLast Ad Campaign ContentYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_mediumLast Ad Campaign MediumSTRINGLast Ad Campaign MediumYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_sourceThe latest campaign sourceSTRINGThe latest campaign sourceYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_utm_termThe latest campaign termSTRINGThe latest campaign termYesYesYesMedium
  • Web SDK
$latest_sceneLast Launch ScenarioSTRINGLast Launch ScenarioYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$latest_share_methodLast Sharing ApproachSTRINGLast Sharing ApproachYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$latest_share_distinct_idThe most recent sharerSTRINGThe most recent sharerYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$latest_share_depthThe latest share depthNUMBERThe latest share depthYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
$latest_share_url_pathLast share pathSTRINGLast share pathYesYesYesLow
  • Mini Program SDK
SDK related$libSDK TypeSTRINGSDK type, such as Android, iOSYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$lib_versionSDK VersionSTRINGSDK VersionYesNoNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$lib_methodBurial MethodSTRING

The trigger mode of burying point (full burying, custom burying)

Web and Mini Program SDKs are unified as custom burying

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Applet SDK
$lib_detailBuried Point DetailSTRINGCall stack information when triggering buried pointYesYesNoNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
Channel Related$ios_install_sourceDevice fingerprint information needed for App channel matchingSTRINGAndroid: IMEI information
iOS: IDFA information

Attribute not stored

Remove the attribute after Channel Matching on the server side

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$channel_device_infoDevice fingerprint information needed for App Channel Matching (Different from the Event variable name above)STRING

Attribute not stored

Remove the attribute after Channel Matching on the server side

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$ios_install_disable_callbackWhether to disable tracking callback or notBOOLWhether to disable tracking callback or notNoYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$is_channel_callback_eventWhether to perform channel matching callbackBOOLWhether the event channel match result needs to be callback to the channel providerNoYesNoLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$channel_extra_informationChannel Extra InformationSTRING

Additional information added in the channel monitoring link

Such as IMEI, OAID



$utm_matching_typeChannel Tracking Matching ModeSTRINGFuzzy Matching, Accurate MatchNoYesYesLow
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$utm_sourceAdvertising Campaign SourceSTRINGAdvertising Campaign SourceNoYesYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_mediumAdvertising Campaign MediumSTRINGAdvertising Campaign MediumNoYesYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_termAdvertising Campaign KeywordsSTRINGAdvertising Campaign KeywordsNoYesYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_contentAdvertising Campaign ContentSTRINGAdvertising Campaign ContentNoYesYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$utm_campaignAd Campaign NameSTRINGAd Campaign NameNoYesYesMedium
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$matched_keyChannel Match KeywordSTRING

This attribute is not necessarily present during event collection in the App end, but rather added in the extractor module. It records the matching keyword when App channel tracking is successful. For example, if the matching is successful with IMEI, it records the IMEI after md5. If the matching is successful with IP_UA, it records as IP_UA. If the matching is not successful, the attribute value is displayed as "unknown" on the event analysis page.

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$matching_key_listChannel Match Keyword ListSTRING

SA version 1.14 and later is supported; During the collection of events in the App side by default, this property does not exist but is added in the extractor module. It records all the potential matchable keywords of this activation event, such as IMEI after md5, Android ID, oaid, IP_UA, etc. The matching is performed based on the priority of these keywords and the keywords recorded when clicking on the advertisement.

  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
$short_url_keyShort Link KeySTRING

Last node value in the short link URL path

$short_url_targetShort link target addressSTRINGShort link corresponding to the full URLNoYesYesLow/
$channel_active_period_dayEffective Activation Window Period (Days)NUMBERRecord the information of the window period configuration. The activation changes caused by the window period change can also be traced back.YesNoYesNone/
$channel_callback_period_dayDeep passback attribution window period (days)NUMBERYesNoYesNone/
$channel_attribute_period_hourActivation attribution window period (hours)NUMBERYesNoYesNo/
$channel_nameChannel NameSTRINGAssociated with frontend advertising data for generating and filtering delivery analysis reportsYesNoYesNo/
$channel_account_idChannel Advertiser IDSTRINGYesNoYesNo/
$channel_campaign_idChannel Advertiser IDSTRINGYesNoYesNo/
$channel_adgroup_idChannel Advertise Group IDSTRINGYesNoYesNo/
$channel_ad_idChannel Advertising Creatives IDSTRINGYesNoYesNone/
$channel_click_idChannel monitoring click IDSTRINGCheck click data with advertising platformYesNoYesNone/
$channel_active_resultChannel activation valid identifierBOOL
IP Related$ipIPSTRINGNginx ParsingYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini-Program SDK
$cityCitySTRINGBased on IP ParsingYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$provinceProvinceSTRINGBased on IP resolutionYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$countryCountrySTRINGBased on IP resolutionYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
$ip_ispIP operatorSTRINGBased on IP resolutionYesNoYesNone
  • Android SDK
  • iOS SDK
  • Web SDK
  • Mini Program SDK
User Association Related$is_login_idWhether login IDBOOLWhether the event's distinct_id is a login ID, added when the event is storedYesNoNoLow
  • Backend SDK
$track_signup_original_idAssociated Original IDSTRINGIn the case of user login, the anonymous ID used for associationYesNoYesHigh/
Universal data access$data_ingestion_sourceData Ingestion SourceLISTData Ingestion SourceYesNoYesNone/
$data_ingestion_job_idData Ingestion Task IDSTRINGData Ingestion Task IDYesNoYesNone/
Item-related predefined attributes

item_idItem IDSTRINGItem IDYesNoYesLow/
item_typeItem TypeSTRINGItem TypeYesNoYesLow/
$create_timeArrival TimeNUMBERCreate TimeYesNoYesLow/
$update_timeUpdate TimeNUMBERUpdate TimeYesNoYesLow/

2. Pre-set user attributes

Attribute NameAttribute Display Name

Data Type

$first_browser_charsetFirst browser character typeSTRING
$first_browser_languageBrowser languageSTRING
$first_referrerFirst forward addressSTRING
$first_referrer_hostFirst forward domainSTRING
$first_search_keywordFirst search engine keywordSTRING
$first_traffic_source_typeFirst traffic source typeSTRING
$first_visit_timeFirst visit timeDATETIME
$utm_campaignFirst Advertising Campaign NameSTRING
$utm_contentFirst Advertising Campaign ContentSTRING
$utm_matching_typeChannel Track Matching ModeSTRING
$utm_mediumFirst ad campaign mediumSTRING
$utm_sourceFirst ad campaign sourceSTRING
$utm_termFirst ad campaign termSTRING
$first_channel_nameFirst channel nameSTRING
$first_channel_account_idFirst channel advertiser IDSTRING
$first_channel_campaign_idFirst Channel Advertising Plan IDSTRING
$first_channel_adgroup_idFirst Channel Advertising Group IDSTRING
$first_channel_ad_idFirst Channel Advertising Creative IDSTRING
$first_channel_click_idFirst Channel Monitoring Click IDSTRING

This document only includes general preset properties. For preset properties of modules such as Smart Operations, Channel Track, etc., please visit the corresponding document.