1. Predefined Events

Event English Variable NameEvent Display NameProperty English Variable NameEvent Property Display NameProperty Value TypeProperty Value Example or DescriptionTrigger TimingRemarks
$MPLaunchMini Program Launch
$Predefined Properties

When the Mini Program process is killed and reopened, it will trigger. It only triggers once when the Mini Program initializes.General collection by the Mini Program SDK. Automatically collected when the autoTrack interface is enabled.

$sceneLaunch SceneString
$url_pathPage PathString
$is_first_timeWhether First TimeBoolean Value
$utm_sourceAdvertising Campaign SourceString
$utm_mediumAdvertising Campaign MediumString
$utm_termAdvertising Campaign TermString
$utm_contentAd Campaign ContentString
$utm_campaignAd Campaign NameString
$MPShowMini Program Display
$Predefined Attribute

Displayed when the Mini Program is launched or brought to the foreground from the background
$sceneLaunch SceneString
$url_pathPage PathString
$utm_sourceAdvertisement Campaign SourceString
$utm_mediumAdvertisement Campaign MediumString
$utm_termAdvertisement Campaign TermString
$utm_contentAdvertisement Campaign ContentString
$utm_campaignAd Campaign NameString
$MPHideMini Program in Background

$Predefined Property

Mini Program from Foreground to Background

$event_durationDuration of StayNumeric
$url_pathPage PathString
$MPClickMini Program Element Click
$Predefined Attribute

The trigger when a Mini Program page element is clicked. It is collected only when an element with onTap or onLongTap listener is clicked.
$element_idElement IDStringThe element needs to set the id attribute
$element_nameElement NameStringThe element needs to set the data-name attribute
$element_contentElement ContentStringThe element needs to set the data-content attribute
$element_typeElement TypeString
$url_pathPage PathString
$MPViewScreenMini Program Page View

$url_pathPage PathString
$url_queryURL QueryString
$utm_sourceAdvertising campaign sourceString
$utm_mediumAdvertising campaign mediumString
$utm_termAd Campaign KeywordString
$utm_contentAd Campaign ContentString
$utm_campaignAd Campaign NameString

User leave the Mini Program page

event_durationPage View DurationNumber
  • Unit: seconds
  • It collects the interval duration when the page lifecycle triggers from onShow to onHide or onUnload.

Collected when the Mini Program page's onHide or onUnload lifecycle triggers

Note: The English name of this attribute after storage is $event_duration
$url_pathPage PathString
$url_queryPage ParametersString

2. Preset attributes for all events

Field Name




$libStringSDK TypeThe value of Taobao Mini Program SDK is TaobaoMini
$lib_versionStringSDK Version
$app_idStringMini Program AppIDNeeds to be passed into the appid when initializing the SDK using the init method
$screen_heightNumberScreen Height
$screen_widthNumberScreen width
$modelStringDevice model
$manufacturerStringDevice manufacturer
$osStringOperating system
$os_versionStringOperating system version
$is_first_dayBooleanWhether the first day visit (set to true for values between the first visit of new users and midnight, false afterwards, indicating it is stored in storage)
$is_login_idBoolean valueWhether it is a login ID (determined and added during data storage)
$ipStringProperty carried by SDK data sending request
$timezone_offsetNumberTime zone offset
$countryStringObtained by IP parsing
$provinceStringObtained from IP resolution
$cityStringObtained from IP resolution
$network_typeStringNetwork Type
$browserStringBrowser Name, obtained from UA resolution
$browser_versionStringBrowser Version, obtained from UA resolution
$latest_utm_sourceStringLatest Paid Advertising Campaign Source
$latest_utm_mediumStringLatest Paid Advertising Campaign Medium
$latest_utm_termStringLatest Paid Advertising Campaign Term
$latest_utm_contentStringLatest Paid Advertising Campaign Content
$latest_utm_campaignStringLatest Paid Advertising Campaign Name
$latest_sceneStringLast Start Scene Value