A typical user purchase conversion process on an e-commerce website consists of the following events: App launch, browsing product details, submitting an order, and paying for the order. E-commerce websites often need to analyze the reasons for user churn in their core conversion process.
We can follow the steps below to view user behavior sequences and ultimately draw conclusions.

1. Step 1: Create a funnel

See the figure below

2. Step 2: Obtain the list of churned users

We found that a significant proportion of users churn after browsing product details. Clicking on the highlighted number in the red box below allows us to extract specific user list information, as shown in the figure below.

3. Step 3: View the behavior sequences of churned users

Go to the user list, click on the ID of a user, and view the current user's behavior sequence to quickly verify the reasons for churn, as shown in the figure below.

4. Analysis Conclusion

We found that a large number of users repeatedly browse products without making purchases, indicating that they haven't found the right products. In this case, personalized product recommendations based on user's past behavior or distributing coupons can stimulate their shopping.