1. User Related Attributes

Attribute NameNameUpdate Mechanism
$first_referrerFirst Referring URLAutomatically triggered and written to the Sensory User Table only when a new device opens a page embedded with Web JS SDK for the first time and sa.quick('autoTrack') or sa.quick("autoTrackSinglePage") is enabled. (Will not auto-collect updates afterwards.)profile_set_once
$first_referrer_hostDomain of First Referring URL
$first_traffic_source_typeFirst Traffic Source Type
$first_search_keywordFirst Search Engine Keyword
$utm_sourceFirst Advertising Campaign Source
$utm_mediumFirst Advertising Campaign Medium
$utm_termFirst Advertising Campaign Term
$utm_contentFirst ad campaign content
$utm_campaignFirst ad campaign name
xxxsource_channel Custom channel source property: ['xxx', 'yyy']
yyysource_channel Custom channel source property: ['xxx', 'yyy']

2. Event-related properties

Property nameNameNoteUpdate mechanism
$referrerForwarding address$pageview has this propertyWebsite or external site, page address changes to update.
$referrer_hostForwarding domain
$utm_xxxAd campaign source properties (including: $utm_source, $utm_medium, $utm_term, $utm_content, $utm_campaign)Indistinguishable between internal and external, page address changes and contains utm or custom channel property xxx, i.e., local utm or xxx updates (corresponding latest_utm_xxx or _latest_xxx will also be updated).
xxx (source_channel custom channel source property)Custom channel property (e.g., source_channel: ['xxx'])
_latest_xxxLatest custom channel property (e.g., source_channel: ['xxx'])
$latest_utm_xxxLatest ad campaign source properties (including: $latest_utm_source, $latest_utm_medium, $latest_utm_term, $latest_utm_content, $latest_utm_campaign)Default collection. Can be controlled whether to collect through configuration preset_properties. This property exists for all events.
$latest_referrerLatest external referrerlatest: The latest one. Updates if the domain name determines whether it is redirected from outside the site or opened directly (no update for internal redirection with the same domain name).
$latest_traffic_source_typeLatest traffic source type (external)
$latest_search_keywordLatest search engine keyword (external)
$latest_landing_pageLatest landing page addressDefault not collected. Can be controlled whether to collect through configuration preset_properties. This property exists for all events.
$latest_referrer_hostLatest Outbound Domain

3. Typical Scenarios

3.1. Traffic Source Type traffic_source_type

The logic of the values of $first_traffic_source_type and $latest_traffic_source_type:

Attribute NameValueScenarios



Paid Advertising TrafficThe landing page address contains utm_xxx parameters.
Natural Search TrafficThe landing page address does not contain utm_xxx parameters, but the forward address contains search parameters: Sensory has parameters: ['www.baidu.','m.baidu.','m.sm.cn','so.com','sogou.com','youdao.com','google.','yahoo.com/','bing.com/','ask.com/'];
Social Website TrafficThe landing page address does not contain utm_xxx parameters, but the forward address contains social parameters: Sensory has parameters: ['weibo.com','kaixin001.com','douban.com','qzone.qq.com','zhihu.com','tieba.baidu.com','weixin.qq.com'];
Direct TrafficIf the forward address is empty: directly copy the website address or open the page by clicking on a bookmark.
Referral TrafficIf none of the above cases apply, such as the forward address is a private website.

You can first use methods like sensors.para.source_type.search to check the currently defined conditional judgments. If you have new judgment conditions you want to add, you can use the following code to expand them.

source_type :{ search: ['.baidu.com','.google.'], social: ['.kaixin001.com'], keyword: {baidu:['wd','word','keyword'],sogou:'query'} }

3.2. Search Engine Keyword search_keyword

Regarding the value logic of the first search engine keyword $first_search_keyword and the latest search engine keyword $latest_search_keyword, it is parsed from $referrer (since most search engines no longer provide keywords, it is highly likely that the value is not obtained):

Attribute NameValueScenario



xxx KeywordFor example: source_type :{
  search: ['.baidu.com','.google.'],
  keyword: {
}forward address is: www.baidu.com?...&keyword=xxx&...;
then at this time, it can be parsed and the value is:xxx

Value not obtainedIf there is a forward address, but it does not meet the above conditions, then the value is: Value not obtained

Value not obtained_direct accessForward address is empty: directly copy the URL or click on the bookmark to open the page.

3.3. Scenario Example

Attribute NameBaidu (Search: Sensors, click on the link without utm) => Page APage A => Page BC Page (Direct Open)C Page => D PageSogou (Search: Sensors, Click on Link with utm) => A Page
$referrerBaidu URLA Page URLEmpty StringC Page URLSogou URL
$referrer_hostwww.baidu.comA Page DomainEmpty StringC Page Domainwww.sogou.com
$latest_referrerBaidu URLBaidu URLEmpty StringEmpty StringSogou URL
$latest_referrer_hostwww.baidu.comwww.baidu.comEmpty StringEmpty StringSogou Domain
$latest_traffic_source_typeOrganic Search TrafficOrganic Search TrafficDirect TrafficDirect TrafficPaid Advertising Traffic
$latest_search_keywordSensorsSensorsValue Not Obtained_Direct OpenValue Not Obtained_Direct OpenValue Not Obtained
$latest_landing_pageA Page URLA Page URLEmpty StringEmpty StringA Page URL

4. Frequently Asked Questions

4.1. Forward address referrer and forward domain referrer_host special scenario

Attribute NameAttribute ValueReason
$first_referrerEmpty StringDirectly open the page (for example: opened by entering the address or bookmark).
$referrerEmpty String
$referrer_hostEmpty String
$latest_referrerEmpty String
$latest_referrer_hostEmpty String

4.2. The latest special scenario related to $latest_xxx

Property NameProperty ValueReasonProperty ValueReason
$latest_utm_xxxParse $utm_xxx normally and update $latest_utm_xxx propertyCookie has been cleared or the previous page with the same domain has not integrated the SDKParse $utm_xxx normally and update $latest_utm_xxx propertyThe current page domain "domain" cannot be resolved (e.g. www.biz.work, localhost,, etc.)
$latest_traffic_source_typeAbnormal valueFailed to resolve the domain of the URL
$latest_search_keywordAbnormal valueDomain resolution failed for URL
$latest_referrerAbnormal valueDomain resolution failed for URL
$latest_referrer_hostAbnormal valueAbnormal value
$latest_landing_pageAbnormal valueDomain resolution failed for URL

5. SAT channel link monitoring and feedback

Reference Plugin Integration (Web) Document Integration Channel link monitoring and feedback plugin.