1.1. 1. Brief introduction to Sensors Analytics

Sensors Analysis is a deep user behavior analysis product launched for enterprise customers, supporting privatization deployment, full-end collection and modeling of client, server, business data, and third-party data. Drive marketing channel effect evaluation, user refinement operation improvement, product function and user experience optimization, boss Kanban assisted management decision-making, product personalized recommendation transformation, user label system construction and other application scenarios. As a PaaS platform to support secondary development, IT can build a user data system through BI, big data platform, CRM, ERP and other internal IT systems, so that user behavior data can play a far-reaching value.

1.2. 2. Product advantages of Sensors Analytics

1.2.1. 2.1 Privatized deployment

Eliminate customers' concerns about data storage security - At the beginning of the selection of Sensors analytics technology, considering that customers have concerns about data security and privacy, and customers need to accumulate their own user behavior data assets, in-depth application and functional secondary development of data, we will privatize deployment as the core product design concept of Sensors Data.

1.2.2. 2.2 Basic data acquisition and modeling

With the development of the Internet, the behavioral data of a user on the same product has to be collected from multiple different sources. These sources include iOS, Android, Web, H5, applets, business data, historical data, third-party data, and more. In view of the customer's full-end data collection, the same user's data from different sources to open up the demand, Sensors data provides code buried point, full buried point, import tools and other methods to connect the data to Sensors analytics. At the same time, in order to solve the problem of connecting a user across the screen, Sensors Data also provides a user ID-Mapping solution.

1.2.3. 2.3 Real-time and flexible multi-dimensional analysis capabilities

Provide full-featured multi-dimensional analysis ability to analyze user behavior - dimension, indicators do not need to be predefined, funnel analysis, retention analysis, distribution analysis can be drilled down in any dimension. Sensors Analytics not only stores the most granular details of user behavior, but also supports private deployment, provides an API interface, and supports secondary development. Data analysis is a large field, and we mainly meet the needs of customers for a specific field of user behavior analysis. Sensors Data promises not to touch customer data, to help enterprises with their internal data analysis, focusing on user behavior analysis related to enterprise business data.

1.2.4. 2.4 Provide PaaS platform for in-depth development

Support the use of the underlying interface and function secondary development - privatization is not equal to customization, Sensors Data can provide standard code for standard requirements. If the customer only has a standard data analysis requirement, then the customer does not need to make any decisions, and directly uses the genius analysis. If customers have personalized needs for data analysis, they can use the underlying data interface for analysis or secondary development of product functions.

1.3. 3. Sensors analytics solve the pain points of enterprises

1.3.1. 3.1 Business pain point

  • Marketing analysis fault: marketing costs are high, the tracking of new effect is faulted, the actual conversion rate of each channel cannot be tracked, and it is difficult to accurately analyze ROI. Sensors provides channel tracking function, tracking the channel source of new users, and visually evaluating the channel's ability to pull new data. At the same time, it can analyze registered conversion and paid conversion, measure the quality of channel pulling new from end to end, and constantly adjust the channel impact strategy. Sensors also provides marketing personnel with site-wide tracking of user behavior, optimizing the browsing experience and content interaction in the site, and improving the conversion rate of registration leads.

  • Product iteration cannot be quantified: the lack of real-time user behavior analysis ability makes the effect of product function revision cannot be quantified, the core process optimization points are more dependent on the head, and the positioning of bug problems leads to long-term losses. Sensors provides funnel analysis to help enterprises improve the transformation of users on products, monitor the core transformation process of enterprises (such as payment, registration, account opening, etc.), and gain insight into the loss problem. At the same time, Sensors provides retention analysis to help enterprises improve user retention, verify the most popular product functions of users with data, provide user behavior path analysis, reasonable distribution of station traffic, fine-tune product layout and interaction, and improve user experience.

  • User operation is not accurate: "one side of the thousand" full user marketing, input and output is difficult to control, inaccurate rough way is difficult to really improve the long-term activity of the stock of users. Sensors helps enterprises to lock in user groups with similar characteristics, and push marketing content "to their liking" to enhance the stickiness of different user groups. For users who have not logged in for a long time and are about to lose, timely push messages and coupons to recall and save. At the same time, Sensors establishes a user label system and user portrait, combines user behavior with operational data cross analysis, insights into the characteristics of core users, and Outlines accurate user portraits.

  • Global operational indicators monitoring is not real-time: there is an operational BI system, but the operational indicators monitoring is not timely, no core indicator early warning mechanism has been formed, and decision-making lags behind. Sensors provides managers with real-time, cross-department, and business line core indicators. The email box of managers can receive automatic push of subscribed reports regularly, and provides customized indicator early warning capabilities to help each business department monitor changes in core indicators in real time, quickly detect and analyze sudden transactions, and truly realize real-time data-driven business decisions.

1.3.2. 3.2 Technical Pain Points

  • High cost of self-built platform: Building a product data platform from scratch within the company requires high costs, even with the support of the SensData service team, companies can quickly store user behavioral data and achieve full-end data integration with SensData analysis, enabling the establishment of a corporate data analysis platform without a complete data team.

  • Low efficiency in daily cooperation: Business analysts need to communicate with data engineers to provide requirements for special research, going through cycles of requirement clarification, evaluation, iteration scheduling, and requirement correction. SensData analysis allows business analysts to quickly use the product without the need for support from data engineers. They can view important daily data indicators through the data overview provided by SensData analysis. Additionally, SensData analysis provides 9 data analysis models for users to define custom metrics, conduct cross-dimensional analysis, drill down and roll up data, locate abnormal data indicators, set alerts for abnormal values, and send email notifications to specified email addresses.

  • Complex ETL work: Data engineers need to handle various complex ETL tasks on a daily basis. Companies do not need to worry about the complexity of data and where to start, as SensData's ETL engineers will assist throughout the process, making it easy to import a large amount of historical data into SensData analysis.

  • Repetitive development for common requirements: For common data collection requirements such as traffic and clicks, development engineers need to develop them from scratch each time, resulting in a large amount of repetitive work. With SensData's full-coverage data collection, companies can collect browsing or click behaviors of all pages at once without the need for repetitive development by engineering engineers. SensData's integrated SDK supports one-click activation, automatically collecting behavior events such as app launches, exits, page views, and control clicks. Data such as PV, UV, and new users can be easily obtained.