"Quick Access" search result

Quick Access

Quick Access Guide Welcome to Sensors! This guide aims to help you self-service quick integration. Whether you are a business who needs event tracking … encoun

Using JDBC for data access

/rawdata;auth=noSasl", ], "hive_user": "sa_cluster" } Among them, any address in hive_url_list can be used for connection. JDBC link access If using code to acc

Team Dashboards

the specific "dashboards" or "group" can also perform quick operations such as renaming the dashboards or group. 截屏2023-07-13 下午4.04.47.png Manage Team … memb

2.5 Three-bit version Update Logs

, supporting precision configuration up to five decimal places; added the feature to bookmark metrics in "My Favorites" group for quick access to commonly used

Quick App SDK

Analytics SDK Import SDK Get the Quick App SDK source code from GitHub https://github.com/sensorsdata/sa-sdk-quickapp/releases; Put the sensorsdata.min.js file

Metrics Platform

in a timely manner, and take quick action. Sensors Metrics Platform focuses on the construction of metric calibers and data models, providing a one-stop soluti

Dataset Data Access

and usage, the first step we need to take is data access. The DataSet module can not only access the query results of existing user behavior analysis models …


Hover over a specific "Dashboards" or "Group" with the mouse to perform quick operations such as renaming the dashboards or group. 截屏2023-07-11 下午5.22.05.png H

Add Analysis Model

for October 9th, it will also update the data for October 6th, 7th, and 8th. 15 Permission Settings Data Export Allow members with data access permission to ex

Metric Analysis

Default Enabled Default Enabled Default Enabled Default Disabled Custom Configuration Dimensions and metrics with "use access" can be analyzed in metric analys