1. Overview

Authorize the WeChat official account to the Sensors Data platform by scanning the QR code. You can import the behavior data of the WeChat official account followers into the system as preset events for analysis. You can also use the capabilities of Sensors Intelligent Operations to achieve the operation scenarios of the WeChat official account. For detailed descriptions of related preset events and attributes, please see: WeChat Preset Events and Attributes.

2. Authorize WeChat Official Account

  1. Select  Data Fusion > General Data Access > Data Source Management.
  2. Click  All Data Sources  Tab.
  3. Click  WeChat Official Account  Data Source.
  4. Click the Authorize Account  button on the top right.
  5. Use the WeChat scan function of the administrator bound to the WeChat official account to scan the QR code that pops up in the previous step.
  6. If the WeChat account is bound to multiple WeChat official accounts, it will jump to the WeChat official account list page, select the WeChat official account to be authorized.
  7. Select the permissions to be granted, at a minimum, the following permissions should be granted:
    1. Message Management
    2. User Management
    3. Official Account Information Service
    4. Broadcast and Notification
    5. WeChat Coupons
    6. Material Management
    7. Custom menu management
  8. Click the Authorization button on the mobile side.
  9. Click the button on the web side to return and refresh the list .

3. Authorization Management

3.1. Set openID

After authorizing the official account, an attribute for storing openID will be automatically added to the official account and this attribute will be selected automatically. If you need to store the openID in another attribute, you can click the "Set OpenID" button in the authorization list to switch to another attribute.

  1. Click the Set OpenID button.
  2. Select Attribute.
  3. Click the Save button.

3.2. Enable Official Account

After successful authorization, you can click the checkbox in the Status column of the authorization list to enable the official account. The following checks will be conducted simultaneously when enabling, and all must be met to enable the official account:

  • Whether it is a WeChat certified official account.
  • Whether the minimum permission set has been authorized.
  • Whether the openID has been set. If not, it will automatically select the attribute generated for the official account.

3.3. Update Authorization

If you want to modify permissions, you can click the Update Authorization button in the authorization list. The process is the same as authorizing an official account.

3.4. Delete Official Account

If you need to delete an official account, please first go to the WeChat public platform to cancel the authorization operation, and then contact Sensors Data staff for deletion.

  • Once deleted, all historical configurations of the official account on the Sensors Intelligent Operation Platform will be cleared and cannot be recovered. Please operate with caution.
  • If an official account has been authorized to a Sensors Data project, and you need to authorize it to another project, you must delete the official account from the original project before it can be authorized to the new project.

3.5. View

You can click the View button or Account Name in the authorization list to view the detailed information of the official account, including OpenID and granted permissions.