1. Overview

For the application layer (label management, group management, analysis, etc.), define which data can be used by different roles.

2. Data Permissions Authorization

Customizable data permissions for the current role.

  • Terminology
    • Masked Display: Cannot be selected in filter components and search, can be selected in group components. Created group tasks are not affected but cannot be queried in real-time (e.g., event analysis). Data display requires masking in scenarios like user lists, single user panorama views, etc.
    • Disable Grouping and Filtering: Cannot be selected in filter components, group components, and search. Created group tasks are not affected but cannot be queried in real-time (e.g., event analysis). Does not affect display in scenarios like user lists, single user panorama views, etc.
  •  Support Custom User Permissions
    • Available Users: The data range of users that can be viewed, authorization will apply to all query scenarios;
    • Available User Attributes: Unauthorized attributes cannot be used for filtering, viewing, or grouping. Unauthorized information is not displayed in user lists and detail pages;
    • Masked User Attributes: Set attributes that need to be masked or prohibited from grouping and filtering. Attributes and tags can be selected, but boolean and datetime type data cannot be masked.
  •  Support Custom User Event Permissions
    • Available Events: The data range of events that can be viewed, authorization will apply to all query scenarios. Viewing events corresponding to unauthorized stores is not allowed;
    • Available Event Attributes: Unauthorized attributes cannot be used for filtering, viewing, or grouping. Unauthorized information is not displayed in user detail pages;
    • Masked Event Attributes: Set attributes that need to be masked or prohibited from grouping and filtering. Event attributes can be selected, but boolean and datetime type data cannot be masked.