1. Core Concepts

1.1. Version (partition)

Version refers to a calculation result for a specific baseline time corresponding to a tag/cluster. Currently, tag/cluster versions are stored daily, with only one version stored per day.

1.2. Computing Basetime (basetime)

Computing Basetime is an identifier for a tag/cluster version and also represents the time benchmark for that version's calculation.

The current baseline time is uniformly taken as 00:00:00 daily. For example, a version generated on 2023-02-22 will have a baseline time of 2023-02-22 00:00:00.

1.3. Update

Update refers to generating a new version based on a new baseline time. Tags/clusters support two update methods: manual updates and routine updates.

  • Manual Update: After saving the tag/cluster, a version is generated, and calculation begins immediately. Once the calculation is completed, the data is not updated automatically. You need to manually click update to calculate a new version of the tag/cluster.
  • Routine Update: After saving the tag/cluster, a version is immediately calculated. It is subsequently updated according to the update frequency and earliest calculation time configured in the system.

1.4. Recalculate

Recalculate means recalculating data for a historical version based on the original baseline time without generating a new version.

2. Scenario Example

On 2024.02.18 13:00, an operator created a cluster with the rule of including users who performed login events in the past 7 days. This cluster is routinely updated at 02:00 every day.

  • Upon initial creation, the system immediately generates a version identified by 2024.02.18 00:00:00. The calculation is based on a 2024.02.18 00:00:00 time benchmark. The calculation range for the past 7 days is 2024.02.11 00:00:00 ~ 2024.02.17 23:59:59.
  • When 2024.02.19 02:00 reaches the specified routine update time, the system will automatically start calculating the new cluster version. The id of the new version is 2024.02.19 00:00:00, The time base is 2024.02.19 00:00:00 . The calculation range of the last 7 days 2024.02.12 00:00:00 to 2024.02.18 23:59:59

If the label/cluster rule contains an event that occurred today, the timing of the calculation is different. Example: The operator created a cluster at 2024.02.18 13:00. The classification rules are Users who have logged in today

  • If the cluster is updated regularly, the system still uses 2024.02.18 00:00:00 as the time base. Today The corresponding calculation range should be 2024.02.18 00:00:00 to 2024.02.18 23:59:59. However, because the day is not over yet, the system will wait until 2024.02.19 in the morning
  • If the cluster is manually updated, it will be calculated immediately after the cluster is created. The calculation range is 2024.02.18 00:00:00 to date All data generated