1. Record activation events

You can call the trackAppInstall() method to record activation events. Calling this method multiple times will only trigger the activation event on the first call:

improt sensors from 'sensorsdata-analytics-react-native'; async requestPermissions() { try { await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_PHONE_STATE, { title: '申请权限', message: '', buttonPositive: '同意', }, ); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } 	sensors.trackAppInstall()   }

Whether the application permission request is successful or not, you need to call trackAppInstall():

  1. If the original recorded activation event name is not $AppInstall, you need to use Copy from .Virtual Event (new) v2.5 to merge the original activation event and $AppInstall for data analysis. For more details, please consult Sensors Data technical support
  2. For more information about the channel tracking feature, please refer to Channel Tracking.

2. DeepLink feature

See DeepLink feature integration