Sensors Analytics React Native Plugin encapsulates the commonly used APIs of Sensors Analytics Android and iOS SDKs, and supports full-track, heatmaps, and visualization features with automatic data collection.

1. Table of Contents

2. SDK Function List

First-tier functionSecond-tier functionSpecific function / description
Identify usersAutomatically identify anonymous usersAutomatically use device ID to identify anonymous users
Support replacing with custom anonymous IDs
Identify logged-in usersIdentify logged-in users using login ID
Set user properties
Collect dataAutomatically collect device informationAutomatically collect default device information, such as screen size, system version, etc
Support automatic collection of screen orientation
Support automatic collection of latitude and longitude information
Full-link trackingApp launch
App exit
App page browse
App element click
Common propertiesStatic common properties
Dynamic common properties
Clear common properties
Custom trackingCollect activation (installation) events
Track event duration
Custom code tracking
Store dataSet upper limitSet local cache upper limit value
Delete local cacheDelete all events cached locally
Report dataAutomatic Data ReportingSDK automatically sends event data under certain conditions
Manual Data ReportingSDK supports manually reporting event data
Debugging FunctionDebugging ModeEnable/Disable Debugging Mode
Debug LogsShow/Hide Debug Logs
Visualization and AnalysisVisualized Full-TrackVisually filter out key events for subsequent analysis
App Click AnalysisVisually display user click behavior in the app
Deep LinkCreate Deep Link for App promotion
Advanced FunctionData EncryptionData is encrypted before storage and transmission
App and H5 IntegrationThe event data of H5 after integration is stored and sent by the App SDK.
ComplianceSupport compliance requirements

3. Preset events and preset properties

Refer to the App SDK preset events and preset properties document