• Before using, please read the Data Model
  • Sensors Analytics Weex Module encapsulates commonly used APIs of Sensors Analytics Android & iOS SDK. By using this module, you can complete statistical reporting of event tracking in applications developed with Weex

1. Weex SDK Integration

Step 1: Install Weex SDK module via npm

Execute the following command in the root directory of the Weex project to install the Weex SDK.

npm install sa-sdk-weex

Step 2: Import Weex SDK

// 步骤1: 引入模块 import sensors from 'sa-sdk-weex' // 步骤2: 将项目中 vue-router 传入 Weex SDK 提供的 useRouter 方法以支持页面切换时自动采集页面浏览事件 const { router } = require('./router') sensors.useRouter(router) // 步骤3: 将 SDK 对象挂载搭 VUE 全局对象方便后续使用 Vue.prototype.$sensors = sensors;

Step 3: Initialize the SDK

this.$sensors.init({ server_url: '数据接收地址', show_log: false,//是否开启日志 super_properties: { // 配置全局属性,所有上报事件属性中均会携带 }, web: {//web 初始化配置 send_type: 'image',// 支持 'image'、'ajax'、'beacon' page_view: true, //自动采集 WEB页面浏览事件 web_click: true, //自动采集 WEB 页面元素点击事件 web_stay: true //自动采集WEB 页面停留事件,不支持根元素为 scroller 或 list 等 Weex 内置滚动容器内滚动 }, app: {// Android & iOS 初始化配置 app_start: true, //应用启动 app_end: true, //应用退出 view_screen: true, //页面浏览 view_click: true //元素点击 } })

2. Instructions for using the Sensors Analytics Android SDK in Weex

2.1. Integrate Sensors Analytics Android SDK

Refer to: https://manual.sensorsdata.cn/sa/latest/tech_sdk_client_android_basic-7541696.html

2.2. Add the Sensors Analytics module file

Download the WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule file, you candownload it, and paste the WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule.java file into the main module package. The following figure shows it:

Initialize the SDK (optional) and register Sensors Analytics Weex module in the Application's onCreate() method:

2.3. Initialize the SDK (optional) and register the Sensors Analytics Weex module.

In the Application's onCreate() method, synchronously call SensorsDataAPI.startWithConfigOptions() to initialize the SDK:


If you initialize the SDK in weex, you do not need to re-initialize the Wizard Analysis Android SDK in the Android Application

For example:

 @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); 		//初始化神策 SDK 		initSensorsdataSDK(); WXSDKEngine.addCustomOptions("appName", "WXSample"); WXSDKEngine.addCustomOptions("appGroup", "WXApp"); WXSDKEngine.initialize(this, new InitConfig.Builder().setImgAdapter(new ImageAdapter()).build() ); try { WXSDKEngine.registerModule("event", WXEventModule.class); 			//注册神策模块文件 WXSDKEngine.registerModule("WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule", WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule.class); } catch (WXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } AppConfig.init(this); WeexPluginContainer.loadAll(this); } 	private void initSensorsdataSDK(){   SAConfigOptions configOptions = new SAConfigOptions(""); // 打开自动采集, 并指定追踪哪些 AutoTrack 事件 configOptions.setAutoTrackEventType(SensorsAnalyticsAutoTrackEventType.APP_START | SensorsAnalyticsAutoTrackEventType.APP_END | SensorsAnalyticsAutoTrackEventType.APP_CLICK | SensorsAnalyticsAutoTrackEventType.APP_VIEW_SCREEN); // 是否开启日志 configOptions.enableLog(false); //传入 SAConfigOptions 对象,初始化神策 SDK SensorsDataAPI.startWithConfigOptions(this, configOptions); 	}

3. The iOS SDK is used in Weex

3.1. Integrated Sensors analytics

  • Podfile file addpod 'WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule'
  • Open the terminal and switch to the Weex exported iOS native project directory
  • excute pod install or pod update


pod import WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule Stash, The SensorsAnalytics iOS SDK (SensorsAnalyticsSDK) is also automatically introduced without the need for separate integration.

 Click here to download the Weex SDK and place the SDK in the ios directoryWeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule folder added to Weex export iOS nativeIn the project, as shown in the following figure:


3.2. Initialize SDK(optional) andRegister the Weex module

Open Weex export iOS native project, in -didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method to initialize the SDK and register the wizard component as follows:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // 初始化神策分析配置 SAConfigOptions *options = [[SAConfigOptions alloc] initWithServerURL:<#数据接收地址#> launchOptions:launchOptions]; // 开启 $AppStart 和 $AppEnd 事件的自动采集 options.autoTrackEventType = SensorsAnalyticsEventTypeAppStart | SensorsAnalyticsEventTypeAppEnd ; // 初始化 SDK [SensorsAnalyticsSDK startWithConfigOptions:options]; 	//初始化 Weex 	[WeexSDKManager setup]; 	// 注册神策 Weex 模块 	[WXSDKEngine registerModule:@"WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule" withClass:[WeexSensorsDataAnalyticsModule class]]; 	self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds]; 	self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; 	[self.window makeKeyAndVisible]; 	return YES; }


If you initialize the SDK in Weex, you don't need to initialize the Sensors Analytics iOS SDK in the native iOS project.