Sensors Weex PluginIt encapsulates commonly used APIs of Sensors Analytics Android and iOS SDK, supporting code tracking and automatic collection of application's launch and exit events.

Table of Contents

SDK Function List

Primary FunctionSecondary FunctionSpecific Function / Description
Identify UsersAutomatically identify anonymous usersAutomatically use device ID to identify anonymous users
Support replacing with custom anonymous ID
Identify logged-in usersUse login ID to identify logged-in users
Set User Properties
Collect DataAutomatically collect device informationAutomatically collect default device information, such as screen width and height, system version, etc.
Full TrackingApp Launch (Web packaging not supported)
App Quit (Web packaging not supported)
Page View (only supports vue-router)
Element Click
Customized TrackingTracking Activation (Installation) Event (Web packaging not supported)
Track Event Duration (Web packaging not supported)
Custom Code Tracking
Store DataSet Upper LimitSet Local Cache Upper Limit Value (Web packaging not supported)
Delete Local CacheDelete all events cached locally (Web packaging not supported)
Report DataAutomatic Data ReportingSDK automatically sends event data after meeting certain conditions (Web packaging not supported)
Manual Data ReportingSDK supports manual reporting of event data (Web packaging not supported)
Debugging FunctionDebugging ModeEnable / Disable Debug Mode
Debug LogShow / Hide Debug Log

Click Element Support























App SDK Predefined Events and Properties

Refer to the App SDK Predefined Events and Properties documentation